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The Leipzig Christmas Market | 7 Things to Eat, Drink, & Do

Most Christmas markets in Germany are generally the same.  They’ve got the typical favorites such as Bratwurst, Glühwein, Stollen, Feuerzangenbowle, sweets, and (of course) more.  They also look similar and sell more or less the same thing.  Yet, I’ve found that there are distinctions as well, and if you can discover these differences, it just makes your time at the Christmas market that much more special and exciting.  Here are a some unique things about the Leipzig Christmas market, that will most assuredly leave you feeling full and in good spirits.



Instead of going for Bratwurst, head to the Mutzbraten stand at the Leipzig Christmas Market.  Mutzbraten is a regional meat that comes from the nearby village, Schmölln.  It’s roasted on an open flame and is typically served with sauerkraut and potatoes.  Oh, and by the way, it’s delicious!

Kräppelchen at the Leipzig Christmas Market
Kräppelchen at the Leipzig Christmas Market


Kräppelchen originated close to Leipzig and is a tasty treat you can snack on while you are walking around the Christmas market.  I think that it tastes the best when it’s warm and had just been made, so the faster you eat it, the better.

Leipziger Waffel at the Leipzig Christmas Market

Leipziger Waffel

These Leipzig Waffles are a specific style of waffles that can only be found around Leipzig.  They have been traditional sweets at the Leipzig Christmas Market for many years now and should be tried by anyone who has a sweet-tooth.  These waffle-sandwiches can be eaten with a few different fillings such as vanilla creme, nougat, or apple sauce.  If you want to try the original Leipzig Waffle, stick with the vanilla creme filling.

Rudolph's Schlitten Bar leipzig germany
Rudolph's Schlitten bar during Christmas in Leipzig Germany

Rudolph's (Schlitten)-Bar

After munching down on way too many sweets at the Leipzig Christmas Market, the place to be is Rudolph’s (Schlitten) Bar.  It’s only open during the Christmas season, and it’s where the locals love to go and party.  The atmosphere feels cozy and personal, and it’s a place where you can dance away to not only to some of those top 40 hits, but to traditional German Schlager as well.

The Finnish part of the Leipzig Christmas market

The Finnish Village

The Leipzig Christmas market is not only for German specialities.  In Augustusplatz, there’s also a Finnish Village where you can drink the Scandinavian mulled wine Glögi, eat reindeer meat and smoked salmon, and buy a bunch of Finnish sweets.

Drinking Sachsen Obst at the Leipzig Christmas Market
Drinking Sachsen Obst at the Leipzig Christmas Market

Sachsen Obst

Glühwein is everywhere in Germany, so why not drink something different?  Obstland is a Sachsen-based company that sells a variety of fruit punches at the Leipzig Christmas market.  From apple and pear punch, to cherry, raspberry, plum, and more, you’ll certainly find a drink that you’ll like.

Medieval Christmas Market at the Leipzig Christmas Market in Germany
The Medieval Christmas Market in Leipzig, Germany

The Medieval Christmas Market

If you are looking to transport yourself back in time while having some of the Christmas Market’s best food, then the Medieval Christmas Market is a pit stop you will want to make.  It’s located in the square by the Alte Börse, and is filled with medieval looking stands that serve tasty treats, sausages, mead, and a whole lot more.

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